The Club makes public collections at Christmas time for choosen charities and throughtout the year to assist with major national and international emergencies.

In 2023 the club was collecting on the 
9th and17th December at Waitrose Frimley and 16th December at Waitrose Bagshot.

And supported Santa in The Square Camberley from 2nd - 24th December . Meeting up with 1300 local families.

In March 2022 we collected £1700.00 in Frimley and Camberley Town centre in aid of Ukraine Humanatarian crisis and subsquent donations have brought the total £4000.

In December 2022we raised £1800.00 for local charieties collecting outside  Bagshot and Frimley Waitrose stores  and Long Acres Nurseries Windlesham.

We supported the The Squares wonderful free Sanat Post office experince for children of the Borough and the standing collection point collected over £340.00.

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