Get Involved

The Camberley Rotary Club meets twice a month to conduct it's business and enjoy an evening meal together .
Speakers and guests are reguarily invited  to these evenings to help broaden members knowledge and explore new avenues.

The club  sponsors micro businesses in 'developing' countries, so that the whole club can have a say in directing funds it uses the online 'Lend with Care' System every months or so.

Focus teams covering Youth , Community and International projects meet monthly by zoom or in person as required. 

Please see the clubs rolling diary section.

Contact Charles Barbor email:, tel: 07815 513547 or write to : Rotary  at Camberley Cricket Club, Upper Verran Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 2JL


Volunteering with Rotary could be the most important thing you ever do.
Your skills and experience will help make people's lives better in communities at home and abroad.
There are many ways to get involved with Rotary, you could -

  • Join us in your local Rotary Club and open up a world of opportunities
  • Donate to a club or Rotary initiative
  • Brief a club meeting about a cause or special interest
  • Take part in a Rotary youth competition or activity
  • Volunteer to help the club in one of its initiatives, without becoming a Rotary member

If Rotary sounds like the organisation for you and you feel like volunteering some of your spare time, we’d like to hear from you!

The Rotary Club of Camberley  is open for membership to men and women in business, management or professional positions who live or work within the Surrey Heath Borough or its immediate surroundings. New project ideas and partnership opportunities for local initiatives are welcomed.

Services to children and young adults include - Practice Interviews for senior students, Art, Photograpy, Chef and Public Speaking competitions. It will  provide places on  Rotary's Residential Youth Leadership Courses. 

Health and well being  projects include the setting up of the first Care Home in Camberley, the provision of the Senior Citizens' tea room, providing play areas at Frimley Children's Centre and at local schools, an outside reading area at Frimley Green Library, provision of games and books to The Ridgewood Health Centre, the Patient Resource Centre at Frimley Park Hospital, provision of medical equipment to a local surgery and much more. 

Annually the Club supports the  National Stroke Awareness day by organising free blood pressure testing in Camberley's Main Square.
Every Christmas around 100 food  hampers are provided for local families and people leaving alone

Fund raising for charities includes the  annual public Christmas collections which benfits many local charities. 
Internationally the Club provides Shelter and Aqua Boxes for the homeless post tsunami, earthquakes and other disasters, provides Shoe Boxes containing toys and basic teaching aids to eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.